Drunken Lazy Bastard
Dołączył: 23 Lip 2007
Posty: 2737
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Wysłany: Wto 18:31, 11 Gru 2007 Temat postu: [Organizacje] F(r)akcje Sigil |
Garść tekstów wrzucona z [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] odnośnie fakcji/frakcji (mówcie jak chcecie, nie będę paraliżował wzrokiem jak się pomylicie (patrz DH) ) Aha i jeszcze jedno. W tej kampanii nie uwzględniamy efektów wojny frakcji.
Cytat: | Whether they believe the powers to be a crutch that the weak lean on or a bunch of greedy beings that are just on a different sort of existence, the Athar are a faction that house both the worst atheists and the best theists of the planes. Both groups agree that the current 'powers' of the planes aren't the be-all and end-all of theological existance on the Planes. Some believe that there is something greater: a "Great Unknown" lies beyond mortal and paramortal comprehension. Others say that it's all a lie: nothing lies beyond what we can see and we should rely on our inner strength instead of putting ourselves into the hands of a false upper being. There are the bitter, there are the scholarly, and most of all there are the sort of "anti-preachers" that take to the streets of Sigil to declare the falseness of the powers. These "anti-preachers" are the most visible of the members of the Athar, as they are usually in the Lower Ward shouting out about the hypocrisy of the powers to all that would listen. They usually do their preaching near the Shattered Temple, which is their headquarters in Sigil. |
Believers of the Source
Cytat: | The Believers of the Source are one of the most open-minded groups in Sigil towards the multiverse. They believe that anyone can become a god, even if you were borne ugly, with a horrible defacing scar, or if you're just plain nasty. There is divinity within us all. They say that this divinity is called The Source, from which all life in existence springs from and is endowed with the innate desire to return to it. The only way to feel the Source, say the Godsmen, is to advance along the path of existence, climbing higher and higher until one is almost on level with it. To feel its energies coursing through your body, to feel on the level of its power... this is what it is to be a deity. To assume the mantle of godhood is to become as close to the Source as one possibly can while remaining an individual... it's said that to ascend beyond the state of 'power' is to reach union with The Source, thus beginning their cycle over again on the karmic wheel. |
Bleak Cabal
Cytat: | The Bleak Cabal are those that look on the multiverse and laugh, because it's all meaningless. Those that attempt to assign a meaning to the multiverse (like everyone but themselves) are just wasting their time trying to assign values to the meaningless. Looking for a purpose to the multiverse? You won't find it, no matter how hard you look. So say the members of the Bleak Cabal (Bleakers, for short), at least. No real meaning to the whole barmy thing. Almost without exception, ever Bleaker in existence is tortured and insane. They're so sure that they're right that it's difficult for them to fit anything into perspective. The multiverse is a big place. It's not really easy to accept that all the horror that takes place across its vast expanse is for no reason... but when they do realise it, they go completely insane. Some manage to remain coherent through this all, but most of them eventually succumb to it and end up gibbering wrecks in the Gatehouse, their headquarters of Sigil and the asylum of the Hive Ward. That is the life of the Bleaker: a constant struggle against debilitating insanity. This may seem noble, but it's not. The Bleakers aren't antiheroes, fighting the good fight against insanity... that implies that there is a reason to their battle. |
Cytat: | The Doomguard are at the same time one of the most introspective and one of the most riotous members of the Sigilian population. They believe in the great power of Entropy to destroy all that exists. Each of them acknowledges that Entropy is the ultimate force in the multiverse, and that it's going to eventually take everything in existence with it, converting it to dust, and then the dust to nothing. They point to the massive structures, civilisations of old, and our ancestors... each a mighty force in their time, now gone the way of the dodo. Time destroys all things, say the most moderate of the Doomguard. |
Cytat: | The Dustmen - also called Dusties, or the Dead - are the caretakers of Sigil's Mortuary, a huge morgue in the Lower Ward filled with bodies. The faction seems to be a pretty somber bunch, rarely showing expression or interest in anything. They seem intent only upon taking care of all the dead bodies that come into the Mortuary, cataloguing them, preparing them, then burying them... somewhere.
They believe that the universe is merely a shadow of a happier existence, one from which we've passed on, and that we cling to a false life and emotions out of a habit, a bad habit. It is the goal of the Dustmen to break that habit, to achieve True Death. They attempt to become completely tranquil, making themselves bereft of emotion and uncaring about existence. |
Cytat: | The Fated, or Takers, don’t believe in pity. They recognize the multiverse is a tough place, but they say everyone’s the master of their own destiny and bashers have no one to praise or blame but themselves. The multiverse belongs to those who can hold it and if you fail along the way, it’s because you weren’t trying hard enough.
The worst Takers are selfish gits that care nothing for anyone other than themselves. The best of them do what they can to help others help themselves, believing that charity is ultimately worse for people than doing nothing at all. If you don't earn something, they say, you don't deserve it, and if you don't deserve it someone who does will take it from you and that's the cold, hard truth. That's how real life works. That's fate. They help people by helping them deserve things, not just giving them away.
Takers can be thieves, villains, or great heroes who grab life by the balls and don't let go, making the most of their fates to defeat evil and injustice where others are too weak to resist. |
Fraternity of Order
Cytat: | It is the belief of the Fraternity of Order that the multiverse is ruled by certain laws and rules. It's their goal to uncover these laws: while it's true that they exist, they're certainly dark, and it's going to take a lot of work to uncover exactly what they are. Only the highest of the factors of the Guvners even know one Axiom (that's a fundamental principle of the multiverse). With knowledge of an Axiom comes that knowledge of how to bend that rule... how to exploit the natural laws of the multiverse, how to slip through the cracks of existence. Of course, it isn't easy to do this... it takes years of study just to begin to grasp the logic hidden behind the discovered Axioms. The more manipulative of the members of the Fraternity of Order believe once they learn how to use the laws of the multiverse that they'll be able to do anything, overcome any obstacle... and get rid of anyone who might stand in their way. |
Free League
Cytat: | The Free League, or Indeps, is one of the 15 factions of Sigil...but only because they have to be. They don't consider themselves a faction, and don't give a lick really about what the other factions have to say. They're free spirited and against supreme authority.
The Harmonium is their biggest enemy. Also there seems to be a strange disease that effects only Indeps who enter Sigil, killing them is weeks, although only a fraction of the faction contract it. |
Cytat: | The Harmonium, born on the prime world of Ortho five centuries ago, is a faction dedicated to ensuring peace and tranquility through the uniformity of belief. The Harmonium, knowing that belief is power and dissention causes conflict, agree to all believe the same things. They also try to get other people to do the same, but if they don't agree, the Harmonium are willing to use force if necessary to see their peace and harmony realized.
Members of the Harmonium are sometimes called Hardheads, a generally derogatory term that ably describes their temperment. |
Cytat: | Prior to the Faction War, the Mercykillers were one of the factions of Sigil and the planes. Also known as the Red Death, the Mercykillers were the last step of the juidical system in Sigil. The Harmonium made the arrests, the Guvners held the trials, and the Mercykillers carried out the sentence. |
Revolutionary League
Cytat: | It's one of the multiversal rules that whenever there is someone in charge, there's someone who wants to be in that position. Equally, there are those that would change those in power and replace the systems of government with new ones more adequately suited to someone's goals, be they the goals of some power, the goals of the people, or the goals of some would-be tyrant. At the most visible center of the multiverse, the City of Doors, things are no different. The Revolutionary League, called by many the "Anarchists," (not to be confused with the Anarchs of Limbo) are a group of disgruntled revolutionaries with dreams of seeing the City of Doors burn to the ground so that they can start all over again.
Well, that's not completely true. See, only the most visible Anarchists are like that... and you almost never see the Anarchists. Such notorious cells as the Cadre and the Order of the Bloody Hand are known throughout the city for their acts of terrorism and murder against the Harmonium and other symbolos of authority. They act on their own with full knowledge that if captured they fade an almost immediate death sentence at the hands of the Triad of Law. However, that's the whole point of being an Anarchist, a member of the Revolutionary League: your very nature is Illegal. If you are found out... well, then, you're pretty much guaranteed a death at the hands of the Mercykillers. The more "peaceful" Anarchists quietly deliver propaganda or sell disquieting secrets to the highest bidder, hoping to get the factions to annihilate themselves.
The ultimate goal of the Revolutionary League is unknown. Each member of the league is a member of a specific cell of four or five members, and only the leader of the cell has contact with other at most two or three other cells of the Revolutionary League. These cells are completely independant of one another, although a few share common goals among themselves. However, the very nature of the Revolutionary League is one beset by turmoil and inner strife. They just can't seem to get along, can't seem to agree, can't seem to focus. If they did focus on one faction or another, they'd probably be able to begin to topple them, one at a time. But they can't work like that. Cloak, dagger, independant strikes, by themselves, relying only on themselves, knowing full well the rewards for failure. They are the Anarchists. |
Sign of One
Cytat: | A thousand voices, a thousand psyches, a thousand personal multiverses, a thousand overly-inflated egos: these are the Sign of One. Fragmented and splintered almost beyond recognition, the Sign of One is a group where each member imagines themselves as the center of the multiverse. Some believe that each person has a personal multiverse, but others believe that it is they who control the multiverse. They each think in some way that the multiverse is imagined, whether or not it is imagined by each person or one in particular. Some of the more "diplomatic" members of the Sign of One believe only in the power of belief and its effect on the multiverse. However, the majority of the faction is a bunch of egocentric and arrogant people that believe themselves superior to anyone else. Their headquarters in Sigil prior to the Faction War was the Hall of Speakers. |
Society of Sensations
Cytat: | The Society of Sensation (or the Sensates, as they are most commonly known) is one of the most diverse and powerful groups in Sigil. It is their belief that the multiverse is meant to be experienced, and that the only way to truly know that some exists is to sense it.
Sip the wine, don't guzzle it, give everything a thorough looking-over, let the most fragrant of smells waft into your nostrils, exalt in the beauty and culture of the multiverse. Try everything at least once, because without new experiences you are nothing. If you do not sense the whole multiverse, how are you going to know anything?
Members of the Society of Sensation usually take to the streets of Sigil searching out all there is to see and do and experiencing it. Some of them are fools that go out, drinking and reveling every night, giving no heed to common sense and reliving the same experiences over and over again. Almost without exception, these revelers end up vanishing from the streets of Sigil. Whether this is because they drink themselves to death or indicative of something else is unsure... their factol, Erin Darkflame Montgomery, has mentioned a 'culling' of sorts... Let's just say that the Sensates aren't for hedonists. |
Transcendend Order
Cytat: | The Transcendant Order, or ciphers, are a bunch of downright puzzles. They don't really make any sense from the outside, because what motivates them is anyone's guess. They move and act as if the multiverse is flowing through them, and they are always trying to move closer and closer to the ideal of action without thought. This doesn't imply that they're a bunch of people that jump to conclusions: quite the opposite, actually. Most of them strive to increase their nearness to the multiverse through meditation and introspection. Some just try to act without thinking all the time, which doesn't really bring them any closer to multiversal introspection... but they can't help it. Nobody's perfect, after all. Only the greatest of Cipher masters can truly learn how to be at one with the multiverse: most of the lower rankers just bumble along, attempting to emulate the actions of their superiors. They try too hard to be spontaneous, not realising that true harmony with the multiverse must be gained from introspection. They're called the "Ciphers" usually, probably because to an outsider, they just don't make sense to someone outside the faction. A well-known saying is, "A Cipher is a riddle. What they're going to do next is anyone's guess." By a general rule, if a Cipher is making a sort of sense for any length of time, then they're probably not a Cipher.
How does a Cipher superior act? Their motions flow, as if they are made of water. They act immediately to outward stimuli, perfectly and unhesitatingly springing forward, backward, walking with an intent purpose in mind... or out of mind, as things are with them. Each action is guided by theCadence of the Planes, the mystical force that the Ciphers claim flows through us all, guiding out actions, showing us the way to live our lives and act without the cumbersome influence of thought.
Ciphers don't usually speak, and if they do so, they don't recited long-winded sentences and epic poems. They get straight to the point, saying only what is needed and then going off. However strange it may seem, the Ciphers actually do have some sort of concordance with the multiverse. It's as if they know what's going to happen before it does and they can act just in time. Throughout Sigil they are the mediators between the factions, and they've prevented war from breaking out in the city more than once. During the Faction War, their factol Rhys left the city just before the other factols got mazed or killed. When she returned, she and her followers were one of the most healing elements in the brave new Cage. |
Cytat: | The Xaositects (or Xaosmen, Chaosfolk, etc., as you like it) are truly loose cannons. What they're going to do next is never known, if only for the premise on which their faction is based: the multiverse is chaos. Chaos. Nothing makes sense. There is nothing that can bring order to the chaos that exists everywhere, there is no way to herd the glory of XoAs into ranks and files. Chaos is beautiful. Chaos is glorious. Chaos is
perfect in its disorder. The Xaositects usually wear colorful clothes, walk around speaking perfect gibberish, and then cheerfully break any roles assigned to them, including ones already defined in this sentence. When given a choice between two things, they'll do a third. When they are expected to do one thing, they will do the opposite. It's chaos. |
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